-In this written assignment, you will perform research and write a 3–4 page (7


 -In this written assignment, you will perform research and write a 3–4 page (750-1000 words) must analyze a military operation that failed due to poor alignment between foreign policy and military operations.
Select a military campaign that you believe failed to achieve its objectives and perform research on it. Write a 3–4 page – that explains the foreign policy objective(s) that prompted the military campaign. Discuss three “lessons learned” from the failed campaign and how these lessons should shape future foreign and defense policy. Cite your sources (using Chicago Style).
-references are attached
-attach turn it in report
-use footnotes properly
– must be at least 750 for the body, and ensure you have a title and reference pages.
-12-point font, Times New Roman, and double-spaced.
-ensure it has a dedicated introduction, conclusion, and references/citations as required.
-Be sure to follow Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition for citations. For more information on Chicago Style


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