Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: Chapters 6 and 7
Week 2 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Must use this template to complete the assignment.)
Introduction: Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures
Is there a culture other than your own that you encounter either personally or professionally? Have you considered the importance of knowing the differences between the two cultures when examining nonverbal cues? During this assignment, you will have the opportunity to do some research and make some observations related to this topic. Note: The headings identified below and detailed on your template must be used to keep your submission organized.
Due Descriiption
Week 2 Select culture, find a source, and reflect on possibilities
A. Culture Select a culture other than your own and begin this paragraph by clearly stating which culture you have selected. Then, share why you would like to learn how to use nonverbal cues more sensitively when communicating with someone from your selected culture. B. Source Through a search, find a website, video, or article that provides insight regarding nonverbal markers of your chosen culture and how awareness of these cues is needed. Once you have found that source, summarize the information from that source in this paragraph. Begin the paragraph with the title of the source and where you found it. In the rest of the paragraph, summarize the important elements the source provides. Here are some possible prompts for your research. You may fill in the blank with your chosen culture for this assignment.
Awareness of nonverbal distinctives in the ________________ culture. Caring about cultural nonverbal markers when communicating with ____________. Understanding the gestures used by _____________________ to communicate. Hand gestures you need to know when traveling to _____________. Awareness of ___[your choice]_____ nonverbal communication concerns when communicating with ____________ culture.
C. Awareness In a well-written paragraph, share how you will use the information you have found in your source, along with the information provided through our textbook and lesson, to make personal communication changes. The next time you encounter the culture you have selected in 2A, how will you be more sensitive based on what you have learned in your 2B research? Make sure you use in-text citations as your reference for your outside source, textbook, and/or lesson. References (in APA format) Writing Requirements (APA Format)
The integrated template must be used.
Length: Minimum 1–2 pages
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Minimum of 1 outside source (in addition to the textbook/lesson)
Title page
References page (lesson/textbook citation and outside source citation in APA format)