A 37-year-old female has been seen for chronic pain management. Since a motor vehicle accident 2 years ago, the pain was limited to her neck and upper back, but it has gradually spread and now she reports diffuse pain that is unrelenting. The pain is interrupting her sleep, and when she awakes, she does not feel rested. “I am exhausted all of the time,” she states. This condition is now having an adverse effect on her work and family life. She has used up all of her allowable time off from work and is concerned that she will lose her job. A physical exam reveals an otherwise healthy-appearing female, and a musculoskeletal exam is positive for tender points at the posterior cervical spine, bilateral shoulders, bilateral elbows, and hips. What is the most likely diagnosis? Outline the further evaluation, including the labs and radiographic imaging. What are the anticipated results of laboratory and radiographic imaging? Outline the plan of care, including follow-up. Support your answer with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources.
References must be within 5 years