According to Branine, there are five imperatives of managing effectively across


According to Branine, there are five imperatives of managing effectively across cultures. These directly impact strategies for improving employee relations, especially across cultures:
Valuing diversity and equality as integral to organizational effectiveness
Creating competitive advantage through flexible working practice and family friendly policies
Understanding ethical and unethical behaviors in other countries
Transforming the use of information and communications across borders
Developing a sense of employee environmental awareness and well-being
All of these imperatives impact leadership development in a large, multinational organization.
Imagine you have been hired as an O/D consultant by a multinational company. The firm is looking to expand operations into an international labor market. The CEO has requested that you prepare a presentation for the management team. He would like his management team to understand the importance of developing the organizational leadership capabilities and skills needed when managing across different cultures.
Create an 18- to 20-slide PowerPoint® presentation for this audience.
Include the following in your presentation:
Address in detail one of the imperatives of managing effectively across cultures.
Explain the complexities of implementation of these distinct moves in the United States and one international labor market, such as England, Germany, Kenya, China, Jamaica West Indies, or the United Arab Emirates.
Draw conclusions about possible next steps in the development of leadership in the selected country.
Submit your assignment.


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