Activity 3: Complete Section Instrumentation Activity Description Identify and d


Activity 3: Complete Section Instrumentation
Activity Description
Identify and describe the research protocols or instrumentation for your study. Provide a description of the instruments or protocols that will be used such as surveys, interviews, observations, or artifacts. All protocol questions or criteria should be clearly linked to the literature presented in chapter two, your research questions, and your theoretical or conceptual framework.
Instrumentation should align with your 3-5 Research Questions. Your Research Questions should reflect the methods approach you will use for your study, which are evidence synthesis, qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Describe all protocols to be used in data collections. All instrumentation should be presented as an appendix to your study.
For qualitative studies that involve developing interview questions, it will be necessary to show how each interview question provides answers to the research questions. First, list the research question and then the interview question/s developed to answer the research question. Follow this process for each research question.

Synthesis of Evidence that involves approaches such as PRISMA will include presentation of the evaluation tool associated with the approach. Add the PRISMA or other synthesis of evidence tools to the appendices. Evidence of synthesis studies that involve standardized protocols such as PRISMA, or models like PICO, will include a presentation of applicable checklists, diagrams and procedures associated with the approach. All instruments that will be utilized must be listed in the appendices.
For qualitative studies, the interview guide, which is comprised of descriptive information and interview questions, must be reviewed by an expert in the field as a validity check. The expert must be identified in the instrumentation section with notation on the evidence of expert level knowledge such as publications on the topic or specific practice experience. In general, the Chair will assist with an expert on the topic within the University, however there may be situations where an outside expert is necessary. The instrument will be included in the appendices. Make sure to include demographic data questions on the instrument as that will be needed for chapter four.
Quantitative studies will provide a description of the scale or measure that will be used with the information that show the reliability and validity of the tool. All tools must be listed in the appendices with a letter of permission or statement by the author that the document or instrument is in the public domain. Make sure to include demographic data questions on the instrument as that will be needed for chapter four.
Submit paper with all instruments that will be used in your study as an appendix and include a detailed description of the instrumentation and address validity and reliability. Paper should be 2 to 3 pages for description and additional pages for each protocol.
Activity Outcomes
Synthesize the ethical dimensions of various research methods.
Grading Scale
Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory


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