Overview Crises and disasters come in a variety of forms: physical, social, fina


Crises and disasters come in a variety of forms: physical, social, financial, and political. Disasters can be both natural and man-made. When the crisis or disaster impacts your community and you are a community agency director who is well connected with other social service agencies, you would be expected to use your agency services and resources to aid in crisis management and recovery.
Select a community crisis or disaster in your area. Focus on micro- and mezzo-level practice.
Research the literature to find 6–8 scholarly articles published within the last five to seven years to identify social work services that you might provide through your agency to the community and, as a leader, recommend best practices to address micro- and mezzo-level needs of community members and agency workers.
View Crafting Your Presentation: Tips for Creating Your PowerPoint to familiarize yourself with the seven rules of proper visual design.
Create a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation for your agency employees and the community. Include the following:
Discuss the selected community disaster, including the socio-demographics of community members.
Articulate categories of need at micro- and mezzo-levels for clients, first responders, and agency workers for the selected crisis or disaster.
Analyze the social work roles needed for the selected crisis or disaster.
What skills need to be engaged for each of the social work roles?
Assess ethical and cultural issues to be addressed by social workers during and after the selected crisis or disaster.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:
Written communication:
Develop flow with organizational tactics that recognize the relationship between the main topic and subtopics.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
Organization: Make sure that your presentation is well-organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.
Use the speaker’s notes section within the PowerPoint slides to provide all the information relevant to each slide, which you would otherwise present verbally.
Each slide must have no more than 4–5 bullets, and each bullet should summarize your point in approximately 4–6 words.
Use graphics throughout the presentation, but ensure they are appropriate for the content provided and provide value.
Resources: Use 6–8 resources published within the last five to seven years.
Use the Disaster Management Research for Social Work Library GuideLinks to an external site. for research resources and library tools.
APA formatting: Use Academic WriterLinks to an external site. for guidance in citing sources and formatting in proper APA style. See the Writing CenterLinks to an external site. for more APA resources specific to your degree level.
Length: 10–12 PPT slides with speaker’s notes, excluding the title slide and references slide.
Academic Integrity and Honesty: You must adhere to academic integrity and honesty policies and incorporate practices that support ethically sound work in your assignments. View Academic Integrity at Capella University: Some GuidelinesLinks to an external site..
Before you submit your assignment, carefully read the grading criteria in the Social Work Roles: Micro-Mezzo (Community Crisis) rubric to ensure you understand all of the requirements for success.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and rubric criteria:
Competency 1: Assess the impact of crises and disasters on client systems of all levels.
Discuss the selected community disaster, including the socio-demographics of community members.
Articulate categories of need at micro and mezzo levels for clients, first responders, and agency workers for the selected crisis or disaster.
Competency 2: Analyze various social work roles needed to manage a natural or a man-made crisis.
Analyze the social work roles needed for the selected crisis or disaster.
Competency 3: Address cultural competence when intervening during disasters and crises.
Assess ethical and cultural issues to be addressed by social workers during and after the selected crisis or disaster.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of the social work profession.
Develop flow with organizational tactics that recognize the relationship between the main topic and subtopics.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
Week 4 Assignment: Social Work Roles: Micro-Mezzo (Community Crisis)
Week 4 Assignment: Social Work Roles: Micro-Mezzo (Community Crisis)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Discuss the selected community disaster, including the socio-demographics of community members.
30 to >25.5 pts
Discusses the selected community disaster, including the socio-demographics of community members, and provides additional scholarly literature to support.
25.5 to >21 pts
Discusses the selected community disaster, including the socio-demographics of community members.
21 to >0 pts
Discusses the selected community disaster, but does not include the socio-demographics of community members.
0 pts
Does not discuss the selected community disaster, including the socio-demographics of community members.
/ 30 pts
Articulate categories of need at micro and mezzo levels for clients, first responders, and agency workers for the selected crisis or disaster.
30 to >25.5 pts
Articulates categories of need at micro and mezzo levels for clients, first responders, and agency workers for the selected crisis or disaster and provides additional scholarly literature to support.
25.5 to >21 pts
Articulates categories of need at micro and mezzo levels for clients, first responders, and agency workers for the selected crisis or disaster.
21 to >0 pts
Identifies, but does not articulate categories of need at micro and mezzo levels for clients, first responders, and agency workers for the selected crisis or disaster.
0 pts
Does not identify categories of need at micro and mezzo levels for clients, first responders, and agency workers for the selected crisis or disaster.
/ 30 pts
Analyze the social work roles needed for the selected crisis or disaster.
30 to >25.5 pts
Analyzes the social work roles needed for the selected crisis or disaster and provides strong scholarly literature to support analysis.
25.5 to >21 pts
Analyzes the social work roles needed for the selected crisis or disaster.
21 to >0 pts
Describes, but does not analyze the social work roles needed for the selected crisis or disaster.
0 pts
Does not describe the social work roles needed for the selected crisis or disaster.
/ 30 pts
Assess ethical and cultural issues to be addressed by social workers during and after the selected crisis or disaster.
30 to >25.5 pts
Assesses ethical and cultural issues that must be addressed by social workers to be addressed by social workers during and after the selected crisis or disaster and provides strong examples and scholarly literature to support assessment.
25.5 to >21 pts
Assesses ethical and cultural issues to be addressed by social workers during and after the selected crisis or disaster.
21 to >0 pts
Provides an incomplete or inaccurate assessment of ethical and cultural issues to be addressed by social workers during and after the selected crisis or disaster.
0 pts
Does not assess ethical and cultural issues to be addressed by social workers during and after the selected crisis or disaster.
/ 30 pts
Develop flow with organizational tactics that recognize the relationship between the main topic and subtopics.
15 to >12.75 pts
Develops flow in text through paragraphing, transitional words, and key phrases, with an evident main idea in each paragraph.
12.75 to >10.5 pts
Develops flow with organizational tactics that recognize the relationship between the main topic and subtopics.
10.5 to >0 pts
Ideas are interspersed or disconnected with unclear paragraph breaks.
0 pts
Organizes ideas inappropriately for the assignment.
/ 15 pts
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
15 to >12.75 pts
Applies APA style and formatting to scholarly writing. Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to stylistic conventions, document structure, and source attributions.
12.75 to >10.5 pts
Applies APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
10.5 to >0 pts
Applies APA style and formatting to scholarly writing incorrectly and (or) inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.
0 pts
Does not apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
/ 15 pts


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