Read this article blog and


Read this article blog and summarize the author’s thesis. Then, relate this article to the information in your case due this week. This is not your opinion, and make sure you use the author or publisher (in this case) in the first or second sentence.
Farnam Street Media (2019, November 13). Daniel Pink on incentives and the two types of motivation. Human Nature.
The in-text citation is (Farnam Street Media, 2019)
An example of an excellent current event summary (note no first-person, a short explanation of the article and how it related to the material in the textbook, in-text citations, APA formatted references)-

Summary Amazon’s Private-Label Business Transformation
Mattioli (2023) explores the profound influence of external forces on organizations, as exemplified by Amazon’s strategic shifts in its private-label operation. The article highlights Amazon’s substantial reduction of in-house brands, focusing on the company’s response to antitrust scrutiny and the pursuit of enhanced profitability. Amazon’s recalibration of its private-label business is evidenced by eliminating numerous brands. Within the past year, the company has chosen to discontinue 27 out of its 30 clothing brands, including well-known labels such as Lark & Ro, Daily Ritual, and Goodthreads. This reduction aims to consolidate the company’s private-label clothing division, leaving only three flagship brands: Amazon Essentials, Amazon Collection, and Amazon Aware.
Furthermore, Amazon is also phasing out private-label furniture brands like Rivet and Stone & Beam as their existing stock is depleted. Despite these cuts, Amazon remains committed to its core private-label offering, Amazon Basics. The decision-making process revolves around customer preferences and resonance, aligning with the company’s goal of providing value and high-quality products to its clientele.
The backdrop for these changes is multifaceted. David et al. (2020) note that an external audit helps organizations identify strategies that may capitalize on or decrease external threats. Amazon’s response to antitrust investigations, including an impending Federal Trade Commission (FTC) lawsuit, demonstrates an external threat. Although accounting for just 1% of total retail sales, the company’s private-label business has garnered regulatory attention. The strategic pruning of unprofitable ventures, including the private-label industry, aligns with Amazon’s broader efforts to streamline its operations and mitigate costs, particularly considering post-pandemic economic challenges.


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