Topic: A single topic is chosen each semester and all students must use the same topic. For this semester, the topic is “The Role of Pre-Operative Patient Education in Post-Operative Outcomes”. All Homework and the Literature Review and Analysis must use this topic. Using any other topic will result in a grade of no credit (0) with no allowance for a re-submission.
Overview: In this course, you will learn about the distinct types of research, the categories of evidence, and the strengths and limitations of each. The goals are for you to learn to evaluate evidence, analyze its content, synthesize disparate sources, and make decisions about nursing-related issues based on the best current evidence. To achieve this goal, for the homework you will have three activities. Part I is an exercise to reinforce the EBP content for the week. For Part II, HW A, B, and C, you will be provided with a piece of evidence that is representative of the category of evidence being covered that week. You will be asked to read the item provided and answer questions about it using the fill-in-the-blanks homework form provided. For Part III you will also be required to find other evidence on the assigned topic on your own and answer brief questions about it. Homework E has three activities. Part I, requires that you visit the provided website and answer questions. Part II will require that you find other evidence on the assigned topic and answer brief questions about it. Part III requires that you complete a Literature Review table on your 3 pieces of evidence that you will synthesize for your final assignment. (Be sure that you have your 3 pieces of evidence by the time Homework E is due!) Your final assignment is to write a Literature Review and Analysis on 3 pieces of evidence/articles. The evidence must be primary, peer-reviewed, and quantitative research that has been published within the last 5 years. The skills you acquire and the evidence you compile while doing the homework each time should be used by you as the basis for composing your Literature Review assignment. You may also use any of the homework evidence that I provided for your assignments as support literature OR as one of your chosen 3 pieces of evidence to analyze for the final assignment. Pay close attention should you choose to use any of the evidence provided during this course because your final assignment requires that your 3 articles be (1) primary, (2) quantitative, and (3) peer-reviewed research.
Homework Directions: These are individual homework assignments that consist of separate submissions as per the course calendar. To fulfill this assignment:
Complete all of the Required Learning Activities for the week before beginning the homework.
Complete the week’s homework using the template provided. Only the provided template will be accepted: all other layouts will be returned for reformatting with the associated late penalty applied.
Each week’s Homework has three parts:
Part I – Following the directions provided on the template, complete the EBP exercise. This is different every week so read the directions on the template for details. You can access the template by clicking on the link above.
Part II – This part requires you to read and analyze a document provided to you, except for HW D and E. You can access this evidence by clicking on the link above. There is one specific example to analyze for each Homework. Using the evidence provided to you for the Homework you are working on, answer the questions listed about the Provided Evidence item (Questions 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d).
Part III (excluding HW E) – This part requires you to perform a search to find a specific type of evidence on the semester’s topic and answer three questions (3a, 3b, and 3c). ALL RESEARCH MUST PERTAIN TO HEALTHCARE (NURSING, PHYSICAL THERAPY, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, PHYSICIANS, RESPIRATORY THERAPY, ETC.)
Look at the directions in Question 3a to see exactly what type of evidence is required for the homework as it is different and specific each week.
Perform a search and locate the required type of document. (i.e. if the evidence category for the week is government documents, you must locate a specific example of an applicable government document on the topic). You may not re-use a source from a previous week nor use the provided evidence from a previous or upcoming week as your “located” evidence. Evidence may be no more than 5 years old
Answer the questions (3a, 3b, and 3c) about the item you located.
For the evidence you locate, you must provide the complete document (not just the abstract), excluding Homework A in which you may provide the article/evidence OR the URL link that links to the article. For Homework B, C, D, and E you must attach an electronic copy of the document you located. You will not receive credit for the evidence if there is no attachment!
No points may be earned for Part III if the type of evidence is incorrect (no partial credit).