Using the five steps presented in slide 17 of the “Stem Cell Research Presentati


Using the five steps presented in slide 17 of the “Stem Cell Research Presentation” in the previous content reading , design a proposal for a stem cell research project. The slides that follow slide 17 explain stem cell therapy in more detail. Use those slides to help you formulate your idea.
This lab is designed to access your critical thinking skills. Your proposal does not need to be a current excepted idea, or even feasible, it just needs to follow the steps and be YOUR ideas. That means if you copy something from a book or the internet, you will NOT receive credit for this lab! You can NOT use the example given in the presentation, Parkinson’s disease.
Guidelines: This report must be typed.
Your proposal should contain at least 5 paragraphs, addressing each of the five steps outlined in the presentation. Grammar, punctuation and spelling will all be taken in to account when grading your proposal. It does not have to be a real stem cell therapy. You can make up your own, but it must make sense and show that you understand the general concept of how this works. DO NOT copy and paste an actual stem cell therapy as your answer — you must use your own words to demonstrate you understand what you are saying.
Step 1: Choose a disorder other than Parkinson’s disease, describe the disorder, and choose a problem associated with the disorder you will attempt to correct with the Stem Cell therapy.
Step 2: Choose the stem cell type you plan to use, and explain why you think your choice is the best choice for this disorder.
Step 3: Discuss the concept of why stem cells must be a close genetic match to the recipients.
Step 4: Describe how you will get the chosen stem cells into the patient.
Step 5: Following the procedure, what would you do to assist or monitor the treatment.


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