CASE1 A male patient is a 42-year-old with a 5-year history of hypertension fir


A male patient is a 42-year-old with a 5-year history of hypertension first diagnosed during pre-employment. Her family history is positive for hypertension. He is complaining of headache, has been taking lisinopril 20mg /daily. In spite of regular taking this antihypertensive regimen, his blood pressure remains elevated, ranging from 150 to 160/95 to 110 mm Hg. Physical assessment was unremarkable except for the presence of obesity. Serum sodium 138 rnEq/L (135 to 147 rnEq/L); potassium 4.1 rnEq/L (3.5 to 5 rnEq/L); BUN 19 mg/dL (10 to 20 mg/dL), creatinine 0.9 mg/dL (0.35 to 0.93 mg/dL), total cholesterol 268 mg/dL ( <245 mg/dL), triglycerides 120 mg/dL (<160 mg/dL), and fasting glucose 105 mg/dL (70 to 100 mg/dL). 1. What is the treatment plan for this patient? CASE2 A 52-year old woman, housewife, has 5 children. Her BP repeatedly is 160/105. She refused to take antihypertensive drugs as she feels fine and has no complaint. Few days, she starts to complain of chest pain when she climbs 3 floors. This pain disappears without medication. 1. What is the most likely diagnosis of this patient? 2. What are the important points in history you need to ask about? 3. Enumerate essential investigations 4. What are the drugs used in the treatment of these conditions?


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