My issues for this assignment: Increasing Health Care Cost for Medicare Advantag


My issues for this assignment: Increasing Health Care Cost for Medicare Advantage Companies – effects it has Medicare Advantage Plan companies focusing on United Health Care & what impact it has on the Medicare Advantage Patient Locate a research study that has already addressed the issue and focuses on 1–3 performance indicators examined in that study.
• Check your logic: Is it already established in the literature that there is a direct relationship between the problem you have identified and the performance indicators you are going to review? If not, read the literature once again to discover what performance indicators or variables are relevant to your problem.
• Determine whether you can construct a visual diagram, graph, pie chart, or any other visual infrastructure to summarize or group the data you are examining. If you can label an X and Y axis, then you probably have a measurable topic.
• Remember that if you are using benchmarks, the organizations or topics must be similar in scope and nature for a valid comparison. For example, avoid benchmarking aspects of a rural 20 patient average daily census non-profit hospice against a national for-profit hospice with an average daily census of 17,000 patients.


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