One of the requirements of this course is that each student complete “reader responses” to
certain assigned readings; together they will comprise your “Reader Response Journal,”
though they will not be collected into a single document or anything like that.
Each response needs to be focused and short: less than one page – half a page should be
Each Response is an opportunity for you to respond in the simplest sense to what you
have read. There is no single “best” response, because each person’s response is
inherently individual. Unless specific instructions restrict what you should write for a
particular response, each person is free to respond in the most appropriate way for
them. Regardless of the direction of the response, each should
➢ be thoughtful and considered;
➢ make sense in the context of the course;
➢ be as sociological as you can make it
➢ never summarize and never be “pure” opinion.
Reader responses are not an opportunity to comment on whether you “liked” the thing to
which you are responding, it is an opportunity to respond to or critique it.
Technical requirements:
Length: The guiding principle should be that it is as long as it needs to be and as short as it can
be. Under no circumstances should any response be longer than one page (~250 words). It may
be shorter, and probably should be shorter.
Format: Responses must be written in Standard English (see Strunk & White’s The Elements of
*****(Should Be Less Than 1 Page)******