The textbook readings for Weeks 1 and 2 explore social forces that can affect ou


The textbook readings for Weeks 1 and 2 explore social forces that can affect our lives as individuals. For this assignment, choose a private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue. You may choose one of the following or a topic of your own:
Domestic violence
In a 2-page essay, address the following:
Thoroughly explain what the sociological imagination is
Thoroughly examine how and why the sociological imagination helps understand your chosen topic
Incorporate one outside scholarly source you find on your topic
Your paper must contain scholarly support in the form of paraphrases *only* with respective citations from the assigned reading (the textbook/lesson) and the outside scholarly source that you identify on your own. Do not directly quote from sources for this paper, but instead paraphrase in your own words from source material and cite the sources with parenthetical in-text citations and with full APA-style reference on a reference page at the end of your essay.


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