identify a topic in security or emergency management and identify an issue in ne


identify a topic in security or emergency management and identify an issue in need of research.
guide to write part 1 of paper proposal:
What is a problem that you would be interested in researching?
Find a real-world issue related to the security or emergency management profession and explain why you think the issue is problematic. What research approach would be most appropriate to examine this problem?
Consult the readings on different research strategies and provide a reason for which would be best suited for your problem. What are potential ethical concerns arising from researching this problem?
Think about the potential impacts of the research process. Would you potentially scrutinize or harm a specific population or expect harmful consequences?
Identify the components of your research: Which concepts does your research focus on, and how do you define them?
Identify who or what you will research and the scope of your proposed study.
Define and refine your research topic. Narrow your topic. Any topic can be difficult to research if it is too broad or narrow. Start to narrow your topic by adding keywords. Add additional keywords to narrow down your topic further.
use the pdf as a reference to what should also be included in the proposal


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