Welcome to Our Learning Community: Introductions
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Initial Post Due: Wednesday by 11:59pm
Responses to at least two classmates due: Friday by 11:59pm
Welcome to The Club!
I believe that our classroom is our own little community. We are all here to learn from each other, and to do that, it would be helpful to know a little bit about each other. I know, I know. You may have had to do this in other classes, but please do this again. I really am excited to get to know each of you a little bit.
Let’s start by getting to know each other a little bit better! For this introductory discussion, please answer the following questions, and respond (say hello) to at least two of your classmates. First, I would like us to think about one of my favorite movies to help us with the process. Prompt: Who Are You?
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
What is your name? What would you like to go by in our class? If it helps, please also share your pronouns with us, so that we know how to address you.From my own perspective, I want you to be known in our classroom by your preferred name and pronouns because those things matter. What is your major? What do you want to do with it?
What is the last thing you read, watched, listened to that made an impression on you? Alternatively, you can share with us your favorite piece of media (whether it’s a song, poem, tv show, movie, book, short story, album.) Who are you? (I know. BIG question!, but think about what you want others to know about you.) Think about Inigo Montoya here from Princess Bride. What relevant fact might you tell someone that you want them to know about you that is surprising or will really stick with them.
I’ll share my own here:
My name is Kelly, and you can call me Kelly, Ms. Kelly, Professor Kelly, Professor Allen, Prof K, any of those work for me. My pronouns are she, her, hers. I majored in Literatures in English and minored in Classics in Undergrad. If I had to introduce myself to you through my taste in movies, an incomplete list would be: In Bruges, Captain America: The First Avenger, Beauty and the Beast (1991), Princess Bride, Empire Records, Men in Black, Spy, The Mummy (1999), Le Pacte Des Loups (The Brotherhood of the Wolf), A Knight’s Tale, and National Treasure.
The last thing I binged that I absolutely loved was Derry Girls on Netflix, but I am also binging CSI for the umpteenth time as my comfort show. The last book I read that I loved was All Our Hidden Gifts by Caroline O’Donoghue, and as for sports, I’m a little obsessed with ice hockey, pretty much at all levels (pro, college, olympics, midget).
Something people might find interesting about me is that I am a champion camp fire expert–my whole goal when I was in Girl Scouts as a young person was to learn how and to master how to built the best camp fire. I haven’t lost my touch yet.