Your “Application of Theoretical Concepts to Research” Paper is due this week. Your paper should contain the following sections:
Background: contains two subsections, which includes a brief descriiption of the theorist and the phenomenon of concern in the theory.
Theory Descriiption: a descriiption of each of the concepts in the theory, a diagram of the theory, and a descriiption of how the concepts are related.
An Evaluation of the Theory: a descriiption of the theory’s weaknesses and how the metaparadigms are described in the theory.
Application of the Theory:
Describe two studies that used the theory as a framework for their study, including a descriiption of how they operationalized the concepts.
How could you use the theory to research a phenomenon in your area of clinical practice? How would you operationalize the concepts?
You MUST use the attached template here to complete your paper.
The paper is to be thoroughly researched and well documented, with relevant material from the nursing theorists presented incorporated into the paper. Use the current edition of the APA Manual throughout the paper. Sources should focus on references from nursing theory but may also include conceptual and theoretical material from other professional domains. The paper, excluding references or appendices, is to be limited to 3-5 pages. Writing should be succinct and well organized, as it is impossible for the facilitator to evaluate form and content separately.
Criteria No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F-D Range) (1-13)
13 points
Satisfactory (C Range) (14-16)
16 points
Proficient (B Range) (17-18)
18 points
Exemplary (A Range) (19-20)
20 points
Criterion Score
Student did not submit assignment.
Work does not meet assignment expectations; no background information provided.
Assignment meets minimal expectations with one of required elements omitted.
Assignment meets expectations with descriiption of theorist’s background or phenomenon of concern with details lacking in the other.
Thorough descriiption of theorist’s background and phenomenon of concern in the theory.
Score of Background,/ 20
Criteria No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F through D Range) (1-6)
6 points
Satisfactory (C Range) (7)
7 points
Proficient (B Range) (8)
8 points
Exemplary (A Range) (9-10)
10 points
Criterion Score
Student did not submit assignment.
Work does not meet assignment expectations; no diagram included.
Assignment meets minimal expectations with inclusion of diagram that has does not show concepts or relationships.
Assignment meets expectations with inclusion of diagram, but no relationship is shown or concepts are not labeled.
Assignment meets expectations with inclusion of diagram showing concepts and their relationships.
Score of Diagram,/ 10
Criteria No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F through D Range) (1–13)
13 points
Satisfactory (C Range) (14-16)
16 points
Proficient (B Range) (17-18)
18 points
Exemplary (A Range) (19-20)
20 points
Criterion Score
Evaluation of Theory
Student did not submit assignment.
Assignment does not meet expectations; no evaluation of the theory included.
Assignment meets minimal expectations with one of the components omitted.
Assignment meets expectations with most components; needs more depth in one or more areas.
Assignment meets or exceeds expectations with good evaluation of theory, listing weaknesses and how theorist views metaparadigms.
Score of Evaluation of Theory,/ 20
Criteria No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F through D Range) (1–20)
20 points
Satisfactory (C Range) (21-23)
23 points
Proficient (B Range) (24-26)
26 points
Exemplary (A Range) (27-30)
30 points
Criterion Score
Application of Theory to Two Studies
Student did not submit assignment.
Assignment does not meet expectations; no application of the theory to studies included.
Assignment meets minimal expectations with only one study included.
Assignment meets expectations with descriiption of two studies that lacks depth.
Assignment meets or exceeds expectations with good descriiption of how two researchers used theory.
Score of Application of Theory to Two Studies,/ 30
Application of Theory to Clinical Practice
Student did not submit assignment
Assignment does not meet expectations; no application of the theory to practice setting included.
Assignment meets minimal expectations with descriiption phenomenon of concern or operationalization of concepts omitted.
Assignment meets expectations with descriiption phenomenon of concern or operationalization of concepts poorly described.
Assignment meets or exceeds expectations with good descriiption of phenomenon of concern and operationalization of concepts
Score of Application of Theory to Clinical Practice,/ 30
Criteria No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F through D Range) (1–6)
6 points
Satisfactory (C Range) (7)
7 points
Proficient (B Range) (8)
8 points
Exemplary (A Range) (9-10)
10 points
Criterion Score
Writing Mechanics (Spelling and Grammar) and Information Literacy
Student did not submit assignment.
Numerous issues in any of the following: grammar, mechanics, spelling, or use of slang, preventing comprehension.
Spelling, grammatical, and/or structural errors are present. which prevents understanding the majority of author’s overall intent.
Minor errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling in the present. Minor errors in are present, but they do not interfere with reader comprehension.
The writer’s overall argument and language are clear and focused, leaving the reader with no confusion about author’s intent; the text is error free.
Score of Writing Mechanics (Spelling and Grammar) and Information Literacy,/ 10
APA formatting
Student did not submit assignment
No attempt at Academic/APA formatting.
Academic/APA format is attempted but errors are distracting.
Using APA format accurately; errors are noticeable but minor.
Used APA formatted citations, references; correct formatting; basically error free.
Score of APA formatting,/ 10