Instructions: Part 1 After choosing a cat or a dog, create and submit a diagram


Part 1
After choosing a cat or a dog, create and submit a diagram of the digestive organs and accessory organs indicating the flow of food/digest through the gastrointestinal tract of that animal. You may use or any other software to create your diagram. As well, include a written explanation (500-750 words) discussing the mechanical and chemical breakdown of foodstuff, as well as the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract and accessory organs.
Include all the main organs of the alimentary tract and the sections (minimum those shown in figure 7-1 or 7-2 of Case (2011) Chapter 7 – Digestion and Absorption) .
Explain the type of digestion occurring in each organ – eg.,
Mechanical – grinding, muscular
Chemical – What acids / enzymes are present – what nutrients enzyme digest and products of digestion?
Microbial – Where does this occur? How do microbes contribute to digestion?
Cover the main nutrients absorbed in each organ
i.e. where in the gastrointestinal tract do each of the main nutrients get absorbed? Be specific.
Include the main accessory organs
Illustrate and discuss the location / where it interacts with the alimentary tract
Explain how each accessory organ specifically contributes to digestion and/or absorption. Be very specific in this section. For example, for the gallbladder, do not just say that it stores bile. Go into detail how bile is needed for digestion and absorption
Part 2
Once your diagram is complete, select one organ. For that organ, consider what would happen if it became unhealthy – diseased, injured, etc.
Using at least 2 credible sources, with one being a recent (2020 or later) primary source, write approximately 500 words on the impact this would have on the ability of the animal to digest, absorb, and/or metabolize nutrients. Make sure to include how this organ would be impacted and how that would affect the animal’s overall well-being currently, and in the future. Support your claims with the sources you chose. Cite your sources, using APA Reference guidelines, including the photos you included.


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