Competency Analyze financial ethics of a firm. Student Success Criteria View


Analyze financial ethics of a firm.
Student Success Criteria
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Deliverable Preparation
During this course, students will conduct research on companies of their choosing, guided by the scenarios outlined in the deliverables. There are no pre-assigned firms for research purposes. Instead, students are encouraged to select companies that are relevant to the deliverable content. The information gathered about these firms should reflect real-time data and demonstrate real-life applications in alignment with the course material.
Congratulations on securing your first professional position with a reputable financial investment firm! Your initial assignment involves developing a comprehensive financial ethics plan to ensure all employees adhere to best practices in their daily financial decision-making. One specific concern is the use of social media and employees’ postings on various platforms.
To kick off this exciting project, you’ve decided to provide a case study of a financial institution, either domestic or international, that has been involved in risky and unacceptable financial behaviors, leading to fines for their actions. You plan to analyze and summarize the reasons behind the unethical financial practices and use this information to inform your financial ethics plan.
Once completed, your financial ethics plan will be distributed to all firm employees. Your approach to composing and developing this plan requires a crafty touch to ensure its effectiveness and resonance within the firm.
Best of luck as you embark on this important project for your new employer!
Develop a comprehensive financial ethics plan to highlight the significance of financial ethics in finance and guide all employees on fostering an ethical environment. Your plan document should include the following components:
Case Study Summary:
Provide the name of the financial institution and a summary of your case study, focusing on actionable details of fraud and restitution of damages paid to members.
New Financial Ethics Plan:
Clearly articulate your company’s fresh financial ethics plan, emphasizing the cultivation of good financial ethics practices among employees.
List steps the company needs to take to reduce the likelihood of unethical financial practices.
Social Media Guidelines:
Outline examples and infractions that would warrant consequences for employees guilty of posting questionable or inappropriate content on social media.
Financial Ethics Training Plan:
Conclude by outlining a plan to integrate financial ethics training into monthly meetings, emphasizing the importance of ongoing education and awareness.
Note: Ensure the Financial Ethics Plan maintains proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure for clarity and professionalism. It must be in Microsoft Word using APA format (Title page, Reference page, citations).
A – 4 – Mastery
Provided the name of Financial Institution. Thorough and accurate summary of the case study with an exemplary explanation of the actionable details of fraud and restitution of damages paid to members
A – 4 – Mastery
Thorough and accurate financial ethics plan emphasizing the cultivation of good financial ethics practices among employees with exemplary examples.
A – 4 – Mastery
Thorough and accurate list of steps the company needs to take to reduce the likelihood of unethical financial practices.
A – 4 – Mastery
Thorough and accurate guidelines for social media use, including exemplary examples and infractions that would warrant consequences for employees found guilty of posting questionable or inappropriate content on social media.
A – 4 – Mastery
Thorough and accurate outline of a plan to integrate financial ethics training into monthly meetings with an emphasis on the importance of ongoing education and awareness.
A – 4 – Mastery
The document demonstrated exemplary attribution using credible scholarly sources in APA format and had no spelling and grammar errors that interfered with clarity.


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