Reading: McGonigle & Mastrian – Ch. 5, 8 and 12 After reading assigned chapters


McGonigle & Mastrian – Ch. 5, 8 and 12
After reading assigned chapters, students will reflect on an ethical/moral dilemma surrounding healthcare informatics that could utilize the Ethical Decision-making Framework in the textbook Box 5-1 (4th ed., pp. 262-269). Keep in mind that informatics is an extremely broad area so there are many actual issues that nurses may have encountered or will encounter soon.
1. All post should include your last name and the name of the student you are responding to in the discussion.
2. Students will post a brief explanation of the dilemma and how it has affected nursing practice (300- 500 words). (50 points)
a. What must be decided to address the ethical dilemma?
b. Who should be involved in the decision-making?
c. What policies are in place within the workplace surrounding the dilemma?
d. Demonstrate socially responsible leadership by making a list of practical solutions and predict the consequences for each the best and worst. (3 minimum-5 max solutions)
e. Pick one solution from d and use the Ethical Decision-making Framework Box 5-1 to support your decision.
3. Students will then choose a dilemma posted by another student and use the Ethical Decision-making Framework (4th ed., pp. 262-269) to: (25 points)
a. Make a persuasive argument why the solution was unreasonable or reasonable and support this argument with one or more scholarly sources for each solution. For example, a principle, policy, or legal implication.
Use APA 7th edition formatting
Attached is rubric, APA reference manual, and textbook for reading reference


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