The purpose of this assignment is to help students reflect upon what they’ve learned during the residency experience by combining insights from lectures, discussions, and readings. By synthesizing these elements, the paper should demonstrate how ideas, perspectives, and themes connect to or diverge from one another, building a cohesive understanding of the learning materials. The reflection should focus on analysis and synthesis rather than summarizing and describing the experience.
During residency, take copious notes on lectures and discussions led by residency speakers and integrate your analysis of the syllabus readings and themes into a three-page reflection paper.
Guidelines: 3 pages, (excluding title and reference page), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, and 1-inch margins with your name and page number on the header. Please use APA 7 citation style. In your paper you are required to: What themes emerged and resonated with you from the readings and residency sessions?
Choose 2-3 sessions or speakers that had the greatest impact on your learning:
a. What are the points of connection of the readings and speakers? b. What are the points of disconnection of the readings and speakers?
Cross-Sectional Panel:
DR. CLIFFORD LAROCHEL, Ed.D. was asked how do you get people to collab?
– active listening
– intellectual curiosity
– establishing a baseline from where you can build from
– leaning on different perspectives and create collective impact
He also advised in the following:
find your academic voice in writing. who am I?
Gave advice to future self:
– slow down
– He quotes is sister “What do you call a student who graduate at the bottom of their class? A graduate”
– challenge your assumptions don’t try to be right immediately
Within the session DR. ALEXANDRA MORGAN-KISARALE, Ed.D. said the following:
– find a mantra to make the next step whether hard or easy. She then quotes a Haitian proverb “Little by little the build its nest”
– be prepared for ambiguity
Leadership Lens w ARVA RICE President & CEO of the New York Urban League (NYUL)
Area mentioned the folllowing during the interview from Dr. DENISE NELSON NASH, Ed.D.
– when times seems the hardest its probably when you’re learning the most
– Adaptive leadership doesn’t take the easy way
– leadership is about doing things that make your stomach hurt
– critical skills for leaders now or in the future: develop the ability to pivot, be willing to listen and learn whether its from the youth, our superiors, and your peers. acknowledge that you don’t know everything.
Dr. DENISE NELSON NASH, Ed.D. closed with the following quotes:
“You are your best thing”
― Toni Morrison, Beloved
“You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been.”
― Maya Angelou
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
― Barack Obama
Lunch & Learn
LUNCH & LEARN: Wicked Problem Solving
Aldrin quoted the following saying:
“Change happens at the speed of trust”
“People will stand where they sit”
Meaning a person’s perspective is shaped by their environment
Anderson, N. S., & Nieves, L. (2020). Working to Learn. Springer Nature. Chapter 1 “College for All” and Work-Based Learning: Two Reconcilable Differences & Chapter 5 A Way Forward: Building Career and Postsecondary Pathways
Nieves, L., Anderson, N. S., & Huntting, B. (2024). Working for a Future. Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 6 Changing Jobs: AI and Reskilling Young Workers
All papers should be in 12-point font, double spaced, with one-inch margins when uploaded to Canvas. Paper mechanics, such as grammar, spelling, and accurate/compelling use of citation (APA7 format) and quality of writing are all important and will factor into your final grade.