please follow all directions and submit each part of each assignment separately


please follow all directions and submit each part of each assignment separately on a different file and name each file so I know which is which. Please submit on the correct documentation (word). I am looking to pursue a field in business management as I want to own my own business so an entrepreneurship field as I want to be an entrepreneur. Keep this in mind. I have also uploaded the readings and the book we are using. For the formal report topic discussion, APA citation page assignment, and report reflection it is from unit 5 looking at chapters 18 and 20. For reflecting on formal report discussion and formal report part 1, it is unit 6 from chapter 18 and 20 as well. For part 2 reflection and report part 2 it is unit 7 also looking at chapters 18 and 20 and for the report revision we are looking at unit 8 with chapters 2 and 3.


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