Write a paper that addresses the three questions below:
1. How would you describe your current approach to dealing with ambiguity? Ambiguity is the place where opportunity lives…Ambiguity is how it is. Uncertainty is how you feel.
2. What are the qualities do you think matter in making the most of uncertainty as an OD and HRM practitioner?
3. What learning tips can you use to enhance your HRM and OD practitioner style in dealing with ambiguity in your organization sector? To formulate your thoughts, refer to these resources:
• Chapter 7 in the textbook This course’s readings and assignments will be structured based on the required book:
Organizational Development: A practitioner’s guide for OD and HR (3rd ed) book by Cheung-
Judge and Holbeche. Cheung-Judge, M. & Holbecbe, L. (2021). Organizational Development: A
practitioner’s guide for OD and HR. (3rd ed). Kogan Required Format:
Make sure to use Manual APA 7th edition formatting throughout.