Create a Typographic Logo
Based on what you learned about typography, you will create a logo of your choosing for this project.
You will need to show proficiency in typographic choice to match the style or message of the company
or cause you choose to brand. In addition to the logo, you will create a double-sided business card for
a person that works at the company you chose to brand. While you may have an image, icon, or
symbol as part of your logo, typography should form the basis of the logo itself.
Any assets you use must be royalty free. You can take your own photos or use images from stock
photo websites, such as Adobe Stock and you can use system fonts or use fonts from Adobe Fonts. It
is recommended that you use Adobe Illustrator to complete your logo.
You may not use artificial intelligence software (AI) to generate any part of your project. Your work
should be your own original work. If AI is used to generate your work you will receive a 0 for the
Use the following specifications to setup your file:
• CMYK Color Mode
• Artboard 1: 10 x 10 inches at 300 ppi (logo)
• Artboard 2: 3.5 x 2 inches (business card front – size – standard) at 300 ppi
• Artboard 3: 3.5 x 2 inches (business card front – size – standard) at 300 ppi
Submission Guidelines:
• Name all layers
• Save as both Adobe Illustrator (.ai) and PDF files as GRA1206_LastName_Project1
• Submit both Illustrator and PDF files each week
o Upload company chosen, 5 thumbnail sketches of the logo design, color palette, and
typeface selections