XYZ health clinic has operated in the local area for 10 years. Due to an economic decline as a result of the state’s increasing number of uninsured residents, XYZ health clinic must adjust its current service offerings in order to recoup lost revenue. The state has elected to opt out of the Medicaid expansion program; therefore, many of the residents remain uninsured. This has proven extremely problematic for XYZ as many of the patients in the area are low income, but do not qualify for traditional Medicaid. As a result, XYZ’s payer mix is unfavorable as 33% of the residents have public insurance, 12% are uninsured, and only 5% are covered by private insurance. XYZ would like to implement telehealth as part of a new strategy to reach a wider demographic of patients.
You will conduct a case study analysis of the aforementioned case. Your case analysis will address XYZ’s health clinic challenges reflected in the scenario.
**Make sure that you include an introduction and formulate a thesis summarizing your analysis.
Utilizing a mind map or Root Cause Analysis, provide an assessment of the issues facing XYZ health clinic.
Examples, shortcomings in revenue as a result of poor payer mix.
Assess the strategy by XYZ to implement a telehealth program in order to address current issues facing XYZ.
What would the Telehealth program benefit, is it going to solve anything, what would be the risk to develop and what are the benefits of developing it?
Develop a proposed solution to the issues facing XYZ.
Include a discussion on the staffing models necessary, technology requirements, and legal requirements of implementing telehealth