Health Promotion Proposal, Part 1
Over the duration of this course, you will submit a scholarly PowerPoint “Health Promotion Program Proposal,”
addressing existing nursing knowledge related to health promotion and a written proposal.
In the written proposal, you will also develop a health promotion program to meet the health needs of a vulnerable
population in your potential concentration area or community. The PowerPoint portion is your presentation of that proposal.
The proposal must demonstrate graduate school-level writing and critical analysis. The final version of
your proposal is due in week 8.
For this assignment you will submit Part One of your proposal, detailing a health problem that is
prevalent within your selected group and demonstrating your research of health promotion strategies for
addressing this specific health problem. At this point, you already developed in your discussions the core ideas of the topic contained in this assignment. You will use the same information, but it won’t be a copy-and-paste exercise. The purpose is that you enhance your ideas with the comments and outcomes of the weekly discussions and previous evaluations.