Here are few examples of the kinds of things that you may have heard attached the statement “statistics show that…”
Some of these statements are true, some of them are either not true or misleading.
You only use 10% of your brain
Airplanes are the safest way to travel
Workers with a bachelor’s degree earn more
Colorado receives 300 days of sunshine per year
You are more likely to be hit by lightning than win a major prize in the lottery
Four out of Five dentists recommend sugarless gum to their patients who chew gum
Select ONE and only one statement from the list above. We want to look at how you would evaluate a claim that statistical evidence supports the claim that you chose. Concerning the claim that you selected respond to all of the following.
First, describe the kind of data that a person supporting the statement would have to present.
Second, describe sources (be specific here) of information that would be help to investigating the claim.
Finally give your opinion and your reasoning for that choice
Two very important points:
1. In the first part of the question, you are answering what would have to be shown in an analysis that supports the claim regardless of what you think about the claim – your opinion comes in the last part. It does not matter what you think. You need to describe the kind of statistical evidence that would be used to show the statement is true. For the second question, be sure and explain the sources that you might consult to find evidence for or against the claim.
2. Be sure and address the claim in question and not something indirectly related – for example, some students incorrectly discuss sugarless gum benefits instead of addressing whether 4 out of 5 dentists recommend it
Three very important points:
In the first part of the question, you are answering what would have to be shown in an analysis that supports the claim regardless of what you think about the claim – your opinion comes in the last part. It does not matter what you think. You need to describe the kind of statistical evidence that would be used to show the statement is true.
For the second question, be sure and explain the sources that you might consult to find evidence for or against the claim. Be sure and address the claim in question and not something indirectly related – for example, some students incorrectly discuss sugarless gum benefits instead of addressing whether 4 out of 5 dentists recommend it
Do not discuss statistical procedures that are not covered in the text. These questions do not require any analysis more sophisticated that what is in the text.
Do not forget that information that is not common knowledge or ideas developed by you MUST be supported by APA formatted citations and references. This includes any statistics you provide.
Response Requirements
By Thursday, respond to the prompt above in a minimum of 175 words and a maximum of 250 words.