Component 1:
You will explain your vision of the ideal learning environment for Middle school science grades 6-8th in a professionally written and typed paper using correct grammar and spelling. to respond to each question. Your submission should be 3 – 5 pages. (12 point font, double-spaced) How do you create and maintain a mutually respectful and collaborative class of actively engaged learners? Include how you respond to student needs and incorporate student strengths and personal experiences.
What strategies will you use to build relationships with your students?
How will you physically organize the classroom to ensure flexibility and accommodate the learning needs of all students, including those with disabilities? Consider things such as the three zones of proximity and furniture.
Explain how your behavior management plan (see below) supports this vision.
Support the strategies you choose with research. For example, you could say something like “According to the work of Dr. I.M. Authority, primary students need structure to feel secure. Therefore, our day will be structured in the following ways…” Please note that you will not pass the project if you do not properly cite your research. You can use any recognized style format (APA, MLA, Chicago) with which you are comfortable. Component 2:
After fully explaining the environment you wish to create, you will consider how you will accomplish this. You will create a behavior management plan using the template provided. Your behavior management system should help create and maintain the environment explained in the paper. The behavior management plan must include the following:
Three to five positively worded rules that you can consistently enforce.
Expectations (3 – 5) that encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and instill a culture of individual and group accountability.
Procedures for at least 3 common classroom tasks (Examples: handing back graded work, turning in make-up work, handing out materials, going to lunch, sharpening a pencil, etc.) Once you are teaching, you will have more than 3. These should be fully explained and able to be followed by the target age group. Include the expectations for student behavior.
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE OR COPY FROM NON-CREDIBLE SOURCES:In this context, appropriate use of generative AI might be asking for examples in order to spark your own creativity and thought process. You might use it to precheck assignments for feedback suggestions or to summarize an article you are considering using to support your work. It is not an appropriate use to copy the response you receive and submit it as your own. You are responsible for the caliber of content you submit, and AI is not an acceptable substitute for your unique and original work. Submissions that are inaccurate, fail to correctly attribute others’ work, contain offensive material, or are plagiarized will not be considered to be proficient. To use generative AI in lieu of original work is a violation of our Academic Integrity Policy. Teachers of Tomorrow instructors have been trained on AI-generated material and may reach out to you if they suspect your work is disproportionately composed of material found by using AI tools. To keep your work above suspicion and your academic integrity intact, it is your responsibility to carefully consider and edit any research done with generative AI. In addition, you are expected to cite your sources in a recognized format (APA, MLA, or Chicago). ATTACHED ARE SOURCES THAT WILL HELP YOU COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT:
700.6P Rubric- Must score a maximum of 85 points to pass so please be mindful of the quality of work!
700.6P The learning Environment example project- a resource you can use to assist you while developing the project.
700.6P Response Template- This is the template you must use when creating the project.