Week 3 Discussion: Continue Your Discussion Acceptable Methods ( TOPIC: Navigati


Week 3 Discussion: Continue Your Discussion
Acceptable Methods ( TOPIC: Navigating Change in Healthcare Environments ) This week you dug deeper into your question and revisited acceptable methods for your program. For this discussion, choose one of the following for your post:
Considering the Acceptable Topics and Methods document for your program, share which method you think aligns with your work and explain why.
Discuss which methods you see others using to explore this topic. How might these alternative methods fit your work?
Discuss questions you have about the list of approved methods. How might you get your questions answered?
As we wrap up this week, share the key takeaway from your program’s list of approved methods that is immediately relevant to your own project.
Response Guidelines
As you respond to your classmates, share your ideas, experiences, and anecdotal feedback regarding their posts. How have your personal experiences resonated with their ideas? What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far? Don’t forget, you can love or like their posts too. When writing your post:
Do not create your post as a reply to a pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option to create a new post.
Label your post with the hashtag for the week (#Week 3) so others can sort posts by the week’s topic.
If you wish, include links to credible professional or scholarly articles, videos, images, or other Web resources to support your post or provide examples.
You may also choose to create a slideshow or use audio or video as your discussion post.
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Week 3 Assignment: Reviewing Acceptable Topics & Methods Instructions Navigating Change in Healthcare Environments From the Virtual Residency Campus page, use the Acceptable Topics and Methods document for your program as well as the Capella library guide for your discipline to identify a potential acceptable topic and choose five articles to summarize in a short paper in which you address the following:
Discuss the application of each article to the potential topic.In your summary, discuss why and how you feel the articles addresses your topic. What conclusions can you draw from the articles?
Discuss how each article reflects acceptable methods for the discipline.In your summary, discuss why and how you feel the articles address the methodological approach. What suggestions for future study were offered?
Explain how the methods used supported the outcomes of the study.
As a scholar-practitioner, apply conventions of voice, academic tone, and discipline-specific language.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Length: 3–5 double-spaced pages.
Resources: Five scholarly references, including seminal works on the topic. Use primary sources. Include in the Reference section at the end of the assignment.
APA guidelines: When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format. Refer to Academic WriterLinks to an external site. as needed.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
Five Articles Attached.


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