If any item is missing, you will suffer severe penalty in the grade for this ass


If any item is missing, you will suffer severe penalty in the grade for this assignment.
Why this assignment is important.
We learn better when we know why we must know about a topic.
Databases are literally everywhere and the need for people to operate
and administrate them has never been stronger. Databases touches most
IT operations and all business operations and is one of those areas you
will never be able to avoid. How would you use your cell phone or the
Internet if there were no databases?
What Types of Jobs are Available in Database?
There are a lot more jobs in database other than a database administrator. The following is a partial list of the jobs in DB
– Database Designer/Developer
– System Analyst
– Application Developer/Programmer
– System Designer and Implementer
– Tool Developer
Note for your first exam, you will be asked questions on what duties each of the above jobs perform so be forewarned. First, I would
like you to find four roles (jobs) someone having database skills in
can perform in the workplace. To find these roles, you should initially
go to bls.gov and type into the search bar database jobs. At BLS.gov you
can find the knowledge, skill and abilities as well as wages by area
and occupation under the find National wage data and the tab labeled for
over 800 occupations.
Next go to
O*Net (http://online.onetcenter.org and type in the names of these roles
and look over the wages and employment trends. You also should go to
the office of career services who can assist you as well. (Hint, they
have a lot of resources). Another source you should use is interviewing
people in the field. If you know no one in the field, go to LinkedIn and
find people in the field. Reach out to them and ask questions. You will
be surprised how much help you will get plus you are networking at the
same time. You will be placing all of this in a paper you will submit. I would
suggest much of this information go into a table that summarizes your 4
different database jobs. In that summary include the job title,
starting salary, knowledge, abilities and skills required and future
prospects for the job and what job duties are performed by that
position. Next write
a paragraph on which one of these areas interest you most. You will go
to the Candid Corner and listen to people who are in the field talk
about the work they do. You will cite in your paper who you listened to
and what they said that influenced you in your decision have interest in
this job. From the information you received in the bls.gov site your
will tell me what knowledge, skills and abilities you will need to take
such a job. Additionally you will include an assessment of your
knowledge skills and abilities which you will get from Focus2.. Both
Candid Corner and Focus2 which are available on the Career Services
Webpage. If you need assistance, you can (and should) consult the
representatives in Career Services for assistance. with both of these
Next, go and
find a real job or internship offering this role and apply for it. You
will post evidence ofyour submission to this assignment including the
job posting and evidence you applied for the job or internship. (You may
use Handshake to find the job or any of the Jobsite companies, Your
application must be for a position with less than 2 years experience.
The submission should look professional in appearance and be no less than 2 pages long double spaced.


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