Topic chosen: Polyethylene This is 30% of your grade, and a VERY important part


Topic chosen: Polyethylene
This is 30% of your grade, and a VERY important
part of a writing class.
These are to be technical papers. Focus on the topic at hand. Please don’t “pad” these papers with non-relevant material. Focus on writing a focused technical paper. Concentrate on the science. You will need to
use references from the UHD library.
I won’t give you a “formula” for how much from the internet, and how much
from the library, but as a guideline, you will need at least 3 good non internet references. Don’t base your paper on one reference.
You will need to use ACS format, per the guideline on writing the paper. Use the “superscriipted” ACS format,with the references at the end of the paper. EACH REFERENCE MUST BE REFERENCED IN THE PAPER WITH
THE SUPERSCRIPT. This is NOT a bibliography that you add after you write the paper. These are REFERENCES.
See the ACS reference guide, and the paper format pdf in the FILES section of Canvas.
There will be guidelines and “gates” for meeting with me and / or submitting the papers in stages (see below).
Please do not miss these, as each will subtract 10% from your grade on the paper. The intent of theseintermediate “gates” is to help you. Following this almost ensures a grade of 90% or higher on the papers.
The papers are to be 1500 words or greater. The font will be 12 pitch Arial or Calibri. Page margins set at 0.75 inches, on all 4 sides. Please single space the paper. Illustrations always help to tell a story. Include pictures with title (including a copy of a previous paper ive done with acs format and images). See the “Format for Scientific Paper” on Canvas for more details, including the grading rubric. Since charts and pictures are part of the rubric, they clearly need to be included.
Instructions for paper 1:
Your first paper is about a high volume (billions of pounds) commercial polymer. You will choose a polymer, and write a technical paper about the polymer. You must include the structure, the properties, the synthesis
method(s), and the utility of the polymer. This should NOT be a polymer focused on the medical field. It is suggested that you use a commercially viable polymer here, which has billions of pounds (or at least 100’s of
millions) made annually. Do your research before committing to the polymer for the paper.


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