A report issued in 1957 by the American Association for the Advancement of Scien


A report issued in 1957 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) spoke of an “impending crisis in the relationship between science and American society.” Its authors viewed the relation between scientists and the broader society as marked by increasing misunderstanding and controversy.
Drawing on this week’s readings (the two issues of the Science for the People magazine) and lectures, explain the causes and nature of this crisis. Why was there growing tension or diminished trust between the scientific community and the general public in the 1950s and 1960s? And what strategies did activist scientists use to repair that relation and restore public trust in their work?
Your response should be c. 500-600 words in length, organized around a clear argument, and supported by precise references to the readings. Make use of all readings, not just the first one. This is a history course, so make sure you think about the role of the historical context in the US at the time (the Cold War, Vietnam War, the Civil Rights movement, etc.).


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