Part One – Survey Data For this assignment, you will need to ask 10 people the following 5 questions and record their answers in an Excel spreadsheet: What is their first name? What is their age? Are they currently a student? How many hours of sleep do they average in a night? What is their favorite ice cream flavor? Please Note: Some of the data collected will be used in the following module assignments. Make sure to ask all five questions and record all the data for each question. Part Two – Graphs & Calculations After you collect data from 10 people on the 5 questions above, complete the following in the same Excel spreadsheet used to collect the data: Create two frequency charts: The first frequency chart will be for their favorite ice cream flavor. The second frequency chart will be for their age and should contain between 5 and 10 class intervals. Create a histogram for age. Label the axes, title, and bars. Create a pie chart for favorite ice cream flavor. Label the key and percentage of each section. Calculate the following statistical values on the age variable: Measures of center – mean, median, mode, and midrange. Measures of variation – range and standard deviation. Part Three – Presentation After you have created your graphs and performed your calculations, create a presentation with the following information on each slide: Slide 1: Title slide with assignment title, name, course, date, instructor name. Slide 2: Provide a copy of the raw data in table format collected from 10 people. Slide 3: Copy and paste your two frequency charts. Slide 4: Copy and paste your histogram. What conclusions can you draw? Slide 5: Copy and paste your pie chart. What conclusions can you draw? Slide 6: Share the measures of center for age. What are your interpretations? Slide 7: Share the measures of variation for age. What are your interpretations? Slide 8: Conclusion – Summarize the data you collected. Were there any interesting outcomes you weren’t expecting? Was there any data that was helpful to draw further conclusions? What benefits did you gain from visualizing the data? What benefits did you gain from performing statistical calculations on the data? General Requirements Submit one zipped file with your Excel spreadsheet containing Part One – Survey Data and Part Two – Graphs & Calculations with your 8-slide presentation.